Perseve Indonesia's Culture

Senin, 14 Mei 2012

Natural Medicine for High Blood

High blood pressure or hypertension is closely linked to increased heart attack andstrokeCauses of high blood pressure, among others, the hardening and cloggingarteriesDiseased blood vessels become narrowso that the heart requires more pressure to pump blood to the blood vessels.

Which implies some natural remedies can reduce high blood pressure and evencure this disease include:

1. (Syzigium polyanthum)
Benefits: koesterol and lowering high blood pressurelowering high blood sugar levels.

2Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)
Benefits: normalize blood pressurehigh cholesterolprevent atherosclerosis.

Benefits: High levels of potassium minerals are useful for reducing high bloodpressureand is useful also to reduce kidney stones

Benefits: Same with cucumbers that are rich in potassium contentboth to reducehigh blood pressure and also good for kidney problems / bladder
Some fruits / plants that have the same content with a cucumber / cantaloupepeachor peachesstrawberriesraspberriesturnip leaves and wheat grass.

5Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)
Benefits: reduce high cholesterollowering high blood pressurelowering bloodsugar levels

6Gathering Black (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)
Effectmelt circulation and blood clotsneutralize toxins in the body.

Benefits: reduce high blood pressure and high cholesteroldestroying bloodpenggumplan

Benefits: Having the same efficacy with garlic

--- from various sources ...

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