“PUSPITA” Manfaat : - Menghaluskan kulit - Menyegarkan kulit - Memutihkan kulit - Mengusir nyamuk Mengandung bahan – bahan tradisional sehingga aman untuk semua jenis kulit, - Susu murni - Madu - Minyak zaitun - Minyak sereh Tersedia dalam 5 aroma pilihan : sereh, green tea, netral, lavender dan aroma terapi Netto : 80 gram, harga @Rp.5000/pcs (grosir untuk luar wilayah salatiga : semarang minimal 20 pcs, pekalongan minimal 30pcs, pertama order gratis sampel 1 pcs) BPOM.RI TR No.9745722810
Rabu, 16 Mei 2012
Sabun Herbal Susu
Senin, 14 Mei 2012
Sintren is the traditional arts pekalongan and around .
Sintren is a dance that smells mystically / magical originating from love story sulasih and sulandono.tersebut in the sulandono that was the son ki baurekso results marital dewi rantamsari .
Raden sulandono fall in love with sulasih , a daughter of village kalisalak , but courtship was not get blessing of ki baurekso .
Finally r.sulandono go how sulasih and picking into dancer .
Nevertheless meeting between them is still continue mistycal world.
namely by means that at every event where sulasih appear as a dancer then dewi rantamsari enter spirit nymphs to the body sulasih , at that also r.sulandono being how called spirit his mother to meet sulasih and meeting between sulasih and r.sulandono , namely by means that at every event where sulasih appear as a dancer then dewi rantamsari enter spirit nymphs to the body sulasih , at that also r.sulandono being how called spirit his mother to meet sulasih and meeting between sulasih and r.sulandono .
Since then every sintren performances are held, the dancer must be entered into the spirit of an angel by his keeper, with remarks that it is done when the dancer actually still in a state of pure (virgin). Sintren played by a girl who is holy, assisted by the handler and accompanied gending 6 people, according to the development of dance as an entertainment culture sintren it comes with a companion and bador dancers (comedy).
traditional Ceremony bride of java
A. CHRONOLOGYChronological meet a mate in the Javanese past, usually through a means called:A. Tripe pedestal means clearing forests to make land pioneer. In the case of tripe this pedestal a pioneering young parents congkok to see if the girl already has a candidate or not. The term is commonly called nakokake means asking2. If the youth do not know the girl, then the ceremony nontoniThat young man invited his family came to the house of the girl, at the young boy was taken / given the opportunity to nontoni the girl's parents a choice3. If suitable means mutually agreed, then followed by a ceremony nglamar or woo.In nglamar ceremony, the family of the boy's hand over the goods to the girl as peningset consisting of a complete outfit, in the Javanese language sandangan sapangadek.4. Ahead of the marriage ceremony or Asok srah-srahan tukon thethe bride's son gave a wedding gift to the family of the bride of the produce, household appliances, livestock and sometimes plus a sum of money.5. Approximately 7 days (formerly 40 days) before the wedding day bride means that seclusion should not be out of the house and not allowed to meet her future husband. During the seclusion of bride clean themselves with kramas bath and body scrubs are given.6. A day or two days before the ceremony of marriage ceremony in the bride's parents' house to make tratag and decorate the house. Busyness is often also called ceremonial pairs Tarub7. Spray the bathing ceremony the bride is the daughter of a font size of roses, jasmine and ylang and then followed by a ceremony whittling. Whittling the ceremony to clean the fur hairs found on the forehead, neck, nape and cheeks.8. After whittling the ceremony, the ceremony was held at night Midodareni night.The bride's son came to the house of the bride and the bride's son subsequently underwent nyantri ceremony.9. In the morning or late afternoon held a ceremony inaugurating the second consent granted that human beings between men and women making love has legally become husband and wife.10. After the ceremony a ceremony held Panggih consent granted or temon the bride and the bride's son was found that end up sitting side by side in the aisle.11. Five days after the marriage ceremony and the ceremony was held Panggih sepasaran wedding ceremony or ngunduh-law if accompanied by a party.B. JAVA TRADITIONAL CEREMONY Bride CIRCUITSThe series of Javanese wedding ceremonies are described chronologically from beginning to end as follows:A. Bridal shower ceremony of the sons and daughters2. Evening ceremony midodareni3. Ceremony of the marriage contract / consent granted4. Ceremony Panggih / Intersection5. Reception ceremony6. After the wedding ceremonyMeaning of the ceremony is elaborate series can be explained as follows:A. Wedding ceremony son or daughter SiramanSpray ceremony was held the day before the ceremony (consent granted).Ceremony held in / by their religion and this does not affect the course of traditional ceremonies. The steps that need to be considered at a ceremony spray are:a) Spray Princess Bride• Bride's daughter at the ceremony wearing a cloth should be washed with a dirangkapi Grompol motif with a clean white cloth and a two-meter bride hair loose.• The bride is in charge of watering:Mr. and Mrs. bride, followed by Mr. and Mrs. bride's son, passed on by older people and families who have been deemed worthy as an example. This spray should be continued and concluded and the final makeup was done by the wedding itself, you should use warm water to bridal showers do not catch cold.b) Spray Son SuiteThe sequence of the ceremony the bridal shower is the same as the son of the bride sirama only the first flush is the father of the bride's son.After the ceremony the bridal shower is complete, the bride's son to a boarding place not far from the residence of the bride. In this case the bride's son has not been allowed to live at home with the bride. While the bride changed clothes after being washed with fashion Kerik, the bride will cut in front of the forehead hair evenly.2. Midodareni ceremonyIn the ceremony the bride wore a dress midodareni plain meaning what-are prohibited from wearing jewelry except a wedding ring. In the evening midodareni can be said that the new bride and previously called the bride and groom. That night the bride's son came home the bride. To model the Yogyakarta bridal wear men's clothes surjan kasatrian ie, blangkon model of Yogyakarta, necklaces corset, wearing a dagger, while the model of Surakarta, the bride's son Prince is dressed in a suit Beskap, wearing a corset and dagger necklace anyway. To simplify the bride's son midodareni at night may also wear a suit complete with tie just do not wear a bow tie. At about 19:00, the bride's son came to the house of the bride to get acquainted with the family and fellow bride. On arrival the bride's son, then continue left to the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. bride. After the bride's son accepted the submission is delivered to the cottage that has been provided that the distance is not so far from home the bride. Cabin has provided food and drink modest and after eating and drinking so perfunctory wedding where the bride's son to the daughter to see the guests to taste the bride's son later returned to the hostel to rest. So do not be late, because maintaining the physical condition beyond. So about 22:00 should have returned to the hostel. This needs to get the utmost attention not to the bride to be very tired from lack of sleep. After the ceremony this evening midodareni was followed by other ceremonies all of which was quite exhausting the bride and groom.On the eve of the bride midodareni remain in the bridal chamber, and after 24:00 only allowed to sleep. On the eve of this midodareni guests usually in pairs of husband and wife. The situation should be fairly quiet night midodareni and solemn atmosphere, tidajk conversations sounded too harsh.Guests chatted with other guests adjacent course. At 22:00 - 24:00 Guests are given wherever possible meals and side dishes of rice with chicken and egg opor chicken, fresh vegetables coupled with basil leaves.Equipment needed for the ceremony Panggih:1) Four sindur for use by both parents2) Four meters of white cloth which is divided into two sections each of two meters3) Two pieces of mats to be used for the bride sitting at the dressing4) Two kendhi for the children of the bridal shower5) Two ivory coconuts that were intact and still on the stalk6) chicken egg is still raw and new7) A packet of flower setaman8) A fruit bowl / Pengaron that has no water and gayungnya for ceremonial washing the feet of the bride's son9) Two pieces of cloth sindur with a rectangular shape is used in the ceremony without a rich or a bag made of any fabric.10) Daham klimah the ceremony meal together (dulangan) or graft-fed mouthfuls bride bride's son and vice versa11) dahar klimah, at a ceremony dahar klimah foods need to be prepared are: yellow rice that has been sprinkled with fried onion and chicken opportunistic. At the ceremony without the rich who need to be provided are: the bag containing coins, rice, peanuts, green beans, soybeans, corn and others.3. Akad Nikah CeremonyCeremony ceremony held by their respective religions. In this case does not affect the course of the next ceremony. For Moslem marriage ceremony can take place in mosques or bring penghoeloe. After the ceremony is given instructions as follows: After the ceremony finished the ceremony, the bride's son still waiting outside for the next ceremony. That need attention during the ceremony of marriage ceremony is the bride's son can wear a dagger (keris should be removed first) and dopakai cloth by the bride and groom should not be motivated as well as animals used blangkon bride's son. For the Catholic or Christian religious ceremony was held at the church.For the Catholic religion is called to receive the Sacrament Ijab, both Islamic and Catholic or Christian marriage ceremony must take precedence implementation and after completion Ijab Kabul before ceremonies can take place.4. Panggih ceremonyPart IBalangan ceremony Sedah / throwing betel ie bride and the bride's son throwing betel, then followed by shaking hands in each other.Part IIDadi Wiji ceremonyBefore the wedding the son of the eggs, wash it first bride bride's son's legs.Part IIISindur binayang the ceremony the bridal couple to walk behind the bride's father, the mother behind the bride the princess bride. It has meaning father always guided her son and daughter to happiness, while she gives a boost "tut wuri handayani"Part IVWeigh (Pangkon) and followed the ceremony TanemTanem the ceremony the bride father of the bride and groom invited to sit in the aisle which means that the Father has blessed and passed the bride and groom become husband and wife.Part VKalpika ceremonial exchange rate is also called the ring finger that is moving from left to right ring finger and held each other to move. This means that the husband and wife have been making love to achieve a happy life dear life.Part VIKacar-Kucur (without rich)Ceremony Kucur Kacar-called rich are meaningful to the outcome of an effort devoted husband to his wife for family needs.Part VIIKembul Dhahar "Sekul walimah"Kembul dhahar the ceremony the bride and groom each other as a bribe, bribes gusto. This means that the fortune earned and received the blessing of God's Mercy and to provide for his family. All must bear the ups and downs together.Part VIIIThe bride's son had waited patiently for the bride to spend Mother Dhaharan.Biasanya more affection for wasting food. This means that God will always provide sustenance and livelihood are always grateful for the receipt.Part IXMertuwi ceremonyMr. and Mrs. bride's son came picked up by Mr and Mrs bride to visit his daughter's marriage legalization. Once seated by the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wedding and the ceremony was held Sungkeman. If the father or the father of the bride's son had died, so instead the bride's brother or uncle's son.Part XSungkeman ceremonyCeremony Sungkeman / Ngebekten the bride and groom kneel in worship to the Father and Mother of the bride and groom. In this case means that the bride and groom remain loyal to Mr / Ms bride, and to beg the blessing that God always gives grace.MEANING OF TERMS AND MEANSA. TarubNouns that show understanding of a "building emergency" specifically established in and around the house people who have held hunger marital equipment / Ngunduh bride, with the goal of rational and irrational.Rational: Creating additional seating space for guests and othersIrrational: Due to the custom of making Tarub should be accompanied by a range of typical kinds of requirements called srana-srana / offerings, then it has the purpose of such "inner and outer safety" in the lap-work-marriage in the broad senseAs the principal Srana Tarub called Tuwuhan with a view to developing in all areas for both families consist of:a) A pair of banana trees that bear fruit-king, meaning in brief are:• In order bride would become a good leader for his family / environment / people• Like the banana tree can grow and live anywhere, it is expected that both the bride was able to live and adapt in any environment and also managed to (change)b) A pair of Sugar Cane WulungSugarcane: antipening determined to heart =Wulung: smooth = matureMeaning, of the bride is expected that everything you have thought carefully done / conducted by a unanimous determination, never retreat ('sarira mulat hangrasawani ")c) Two ivory palm bunch of youngIvory Coconut: Coconut whose skin is yellowCoconut: CengkirMeaning, kencengin think = strong willOf the bride is expected to have a "strong will" to achieve goalsd) Leaves: banyanLeaves: MajaLeaves: KoroLeaves: AndongLeaves: Alang-alangLeaves: What-what (leaf dadap srep)Meaning, it is expected of the future bride can grow like a banyan tree, a protector and the environment so that everything can run safely inner and outer tranquility (aja ana-koro-sekoro sawiji what alangan dull)2. SRANA / SESAJI TarubDemonstrate understanding of both noun and verb, meaning to make / prepare all the requirements of good stuff that tangible (material) or intangible (spiritual) are needed to complement the requirements of making Tarub appropriate and according to the trust and sense of tradition / custom.3. NGUNDUH OR NGUNDUH brideThe words Ngunduh = strum made special by the parents of the bridegroom, the bride is meant to bring together the bridegroom's parents, usually after 5 days of the man's son-in-law was in the house since the day of her marriage took place, for alternately celebrated in the home his own parents (parents bridegroom) in order to introduce the bride to her family and friends.4. SRANA NGUNDUHDitto to # 2 above, for the words "Ngunduh Tematen"5. PETANEN OR KROBONGANPetanen noun or krobongan the middle room of the palace = the building behind the house. The building houses the front of its name PendapaMiddle of the room is usually called petanen always decorated or Java language in Robyong. The place was then called Krobongan dirobyong. Petanen or also called krobongan This is a room devoted to the goddess of agriculture SRI GODDESS (Java = petanen)In the marriage ceremony, then after the meeting or Panggih, the bride and groom sat in front of this petanen. Therein do the sayings goes, for example: thinking, Kacar-Kucur or sungkem and others. In accordance with the development now called the altar that looks krobongan adapted to the circumstances.6. TWINS MayangConsists of two words,Twins: two objects are the same shape and sizeMayang: nut trees flowerSo that means, a pair of objects that are strung together in some form by betel interest for purposes of the bride. But the real meaning intended here represents a "tree of life" in the form they serve as decoration.7. OR bride BrideThis means that the Bride8. PRABOT brideEverything you need for a bride, especially once the traditional bride in traditional dress9. "PINISEPUH" PRINCESSIn a narrow sense:Female heirs are closely associated with the family and the position within the family is older than the bride, for example:• From a straight line up (adscendenten) Mother, daughter grandmother, great-grandparents and so on• From the side line sister, aunt (aunt, oudtante) and so on.In a broad sense:Referred to above + other women her age old and very intimate relationship with the family in question (a language called Java-keraga Kewula)10. "PINISEPUH" KakungDitto with # 9 above, but to understanding men11.NGANTHIThe verb means to guide the physical = Nganthi assisting and holding the hand of the bride12.SINDURA kind of scarf in the colors red and white bertepikan, symbolizing the unity of the elements of the father and mother elements. Sindur in the marriage ceremony:a) Used as a belt by the parents (father and mother) who hold the equipment in-law.b) Used as a facility in which the marriage ceremony after the bride and groom holding hands (Java: kanthen) walked into the bridal seat, then one of his daughters pinisepuh (usually the mother of the bride) follow closely behind bride walking alone while menyelimutkan sindur as a symbol alloy by one soul is eternal husband and wife.Sindur mean short = sin isin / shame, Ndur = reverse (ashamed to retreat)That the purpose of marriage, among others, is to continue the lives of generations through the development of prosperous families.All obstacles / barriers will not undermine her confidence in what must be fought in an attempt to build a prosperous family, moreover, accompanied by a parent prayer blessing the bride and groom, then whatever was coming would continue to fight until the realization of hopes and ideals them.13.NGABAKTEN / SUNGKEMA traditional moral obligation for the bride to physically show / express devotion and respect to the inner birth parents and the pinisepuhnya with certain movements, while the blessing of prayer and please get a blessing from God to always get the guidance and instructions on building a family and Nusa and useful for Nation.At the moment the bride and groom will remove sungkem dagger worn slippers and groom. It is intended that the bride and groom with all his heart was ready to be bowing to the parents of the bride and pinisepuh14.GANTI CLOTHINGCeremony the bride to leave her seat while walking towards the dressing room to change clothes to the accompaniment of some pinisepuh, his siblings (male and female) and other close family members to be appointed.15.BESANThe term used to indicate kinship between the parents of the bridegroom and the parents of the bride.16.MERTUADesignations are used to show family relationships for the bridegroom to the parents of the bride and the bride to the parents of the bridegroom (parent in laws)17.AMONG GUESTSpecial duty to receive and escort guests to their seats, according to the provisions of the protocol.18.GAMELANSet of (unit of one kind of musical instrument-Indonesia) was prepared for further enliven the atmosphere19.KERISSuch a weapon by a sharp object that has a specific shape and function are considered sacred among others as one of the furniture of the greatness of a traditional Javanese clothes.20.PAKAIAN SIKEPAN tight / alitOne model used wedding dress after returning from his seat instead of toward the place. This model is commonly used by the princes as upacara2 greatness.21. LinedSet for both bride and groom standing in a row.22. FarewellGuests are excused himself to the parents of the bride and groom to go back to where masing2.23. NANDURMovement of male parents for the bride and groom at the wedding mendudukan by emphasizing hands on the shoulders of the bride and groom that can be interpreted that every parent to keep their love will always give the correct direction petunjuk2 and hoping that everything should always be carried out based A good and noble mind.Nandur = plantDimaksukdkan that will grow and thrive from the fertility of the resulting pieces are nice and helpful.24.IMBAL speechDialogue / conversation held during the handover of the bride and groom from parents to the parents of the bride's son wedding25. BOMBYOK KERIS / under KERISA completion of greatness for the wedding dress made up of strands / wreaths and roses with white and red, which means the same as the meaning sindur26. OMBYONGDesignation for the group of bridesmaids usually consists of the immediate family of the groom / women who have been determined27. NGARAK brideThe verb "ngarak" means guiding together in a group28. FlankCan be interpreted to accompany on the right and left to do in a sitting position, standing or walking29. BUCALAN = exhaustNoun from the offering will be placed / removed in certain places (travel route and the complex has been described in the next presentation / scenario)Verb of the implementation of the presentation of offerings with the intention of raw gecok bucalan expect the participation of the shoulder Rekso (invisible beings) and the visible, to keep the streets to be passed by the bride and also in places that will be used where the ceremony / event, and requested so as not to interfere with the bride and gentlemen, along with his parents, his family, companions, his guests, the organizers and helpers and others. May God Almighty give the bride Ngunduh intent survived until the ceremony ended with a plenary particular grace given to all brides, prosperous and happy physically and spiritually30. Splash of waterDemonstrate understanding of the noun from the word "flush" which means a traditional act of bathing for everyone bride before the ceremony as well as men.For this purpose it is also necessary requirements or offerings, the offerings are so-called "disappeared spray" which ujudnya as described in the scenario.Ceremony spray (shower the bride) was led and conducted / assisted by the heirs nearby is an old well from the line of the father nor the mother (according to the indigenous peoples who are the father ibuan = perenteel)31. PaesShows the noun from the verb maesi, which means dressing the bride's forehead by a woman skilled in this task, so that the bride's face looks more like a prettier picture of the face of an angel.32. FLOWER setamanSome flowers are mixed together in a place / container containing fresh water
Natural Medicine for High Blood
High blood pressure or hypertension is closely linked to increased heart attack andstroke. Causes of high blood pressure, among others, the hardening and cloggingarteries. Diseased blood vessels become narrow, so that the heart requires more pressure to pump blood to the blood vessels.
Which implies some natural remedies can reduce high blood pressure and evencure this disease include:
1. (Syzigium polyanthum)
Benefits: koesterol and lowering high blood pressure, lowering high blood sugar levels.
2. Seaweed (Laminaria japonica)
Benefits: normalize blood pressure, high cholesterol, prevent atherosclerosis.
3. cucumber
Benefits: High levels of potassium minerals are useful for reducing high bloodpressure, and is useful also to reduce kidney stones
4. cantaloupe
Benefits: Same with cucumbers that are rich in potassium content, both to reducehigh blood pressure and also good for kidney problems / bladder
Some fruits / plants that have the same content with a cucumber / cantaloupe: peachor peaches, strawberries, raspberries, turnip leaves and wheat grass.
5. Noni (Morinda citrifolia L.)
Benefits: reduce high cholesterol, lowering high blood pressure, lowering bloodsugar levels
6. Gathering Black (Curcuma aeruginosa Roxb.)
Effect: melt circulation and blood clots, neutralize toxins in the body.
7. garlic
Benefits: reduce high blood pressure and high cholesterol, destroying bloodpenggumplan
8. onions
Benefits: Having the same efficacy with garlic
--- from various sources ...
Traditional Medicine for Hair Loss
Traditional Medicine for Hair Loss
Do you often experience hair loss?. Many factors that cause your hair to fall out when combing the hair or when you have finished hair wash. factors that cause hair loss is due to your hair roots are not strong or rapuh.Mungkin you are trying different ways to cope with hair loss, from start to replace shampoo, give vitamins to the hair or go to a salon just to care for your hair loss is not kembali.Namun, the result is still zero.Traditional medicine, yes its time to turn to traditional medicine to cope with your hair loss.Obat traditional or natural Obal is the right choice, but guaranteed to be 100% safe for us and certainly not as a drug side effects of unnatural ingredients.Never underestimate your hair loss, because hair loss can result in continuous rambut.Anda baldness or thinning could try to make traditional medicine from natural ingredients can you get around your home environment.Here are some kinds of traditional medicines to address your hair loss ranging from hazelnut to aloe vera which is known to many benefits for your hair.Traditional medicinal herb:1. PecanIn addition to pecans may also discolour hair to fall out mengatasirambut.How: Pound the nutmeg fine 5 seeds, add water to taste and cook, stirring, stirring until pecans are issued oil. Oil applied to the scalp with a massage with hazelnut oil lembut.gunakan at least three times a week.2. aloe veraPlant this one certainly no stranger to friend, you can take a lot of benefits from thistles this software to solve your hair loss.How: Wash Clean two aloe vera stem, then peel kulitnya.haluskan contents before it was rubbed on the scalp at night (before bed). Wrap your hair with a cloth, so that the results over the next day efektif.Baru anda.Lakukan rinse your hair every day untilyou believe your hair loss is reduced.3. Urang-aring leafTake a handful of leaves urang-aring then finely crushed. Add two cups of water. Stir well, then let stand disaring.Hasil filter for one night (condensed). Rub the scalp with a massage-pijat. use it every day.Thus some of the traditional medicine that might help you cope with hair rambut. i wish those traditional tips useful.
Do you often experience hair loss?. Many factors that cause your hair to fall out when combing the hair or when you have finished hair wash. factors that cause hair loss is due to your hair roots are not strong or rapuh.Mungkin you are trying different ways to cope with hair loss, from start to replace shampoo, give vitamins to the hair or go to a salon just to care for your hair loss is not kembali.Namun, the result is still zero.Traditional medicine, yes its time to turn to traditional medicine to cope with your hair loss.Obat traditional or natural Obal is the right choice, but guaranteed to be 100% safe for us and certainly not as a drug side effects of unnatural ingredients.Never underestimate your hair loss, because hair loss can result in continuous rambut.Anda baldness or thinning could try to make traditional medicine from natural ingredients can you get around your home environment.Here are some kinds of traditional medicines to address your hair loss ranging from hazelnut to aloe vera which is known to many benefits for your hair.Traditional medicinal herb:1. PecanIn addition to pecans may also discolour hair to fall out mengatasirambut.How: Pound the nutmeg fine 5 seeds, add water to taste and cook, stirring, stirring until pecans are issued oil. Oil applied to the scalp with a massage with hazelnut oil lembut.gunakan at least three times a week.2. aloe veraPlant this one certainly no stranger to friend, you can take a lot of benefits from thistles this software to solve your hair loss.How: Wash Clean two aloe vera stem, then peel kulitnya.haluskan contents before it was rubbed on the scalp at night (before bed). Wrap your hair with a cloth, so that the results over the next day efektif.Baru anda.Lakukan rinse your hair every day untilyou believe your hair loss is reduced.3. Urang-aring leafTake a handful of leaves urang-aring then finely crushed. Add two cups of water. Stir well, then let stand disaring.Hasil filter for one night (condensed). Rub the scalp with a massage-pijat. use it every day.Thus some of the traditional medicine that might help you cope with hair rambut. i wish those traditional tips useful.
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