Perseve Indonesia's Culture

Senin, 14 Mei 2012


Sintren is the traditional arts pekalongan and around .
Sintren is a dance that smells mystically / magical originating from love story sulasih and sulandono.tersebut in the sulandono that was the son ki baurekso results marital dewi rantamsari .
Raden sulandono fall in love with sulasih , a daughter of village kalisalak , but courtship was not get blessing of ki baurekso .
Finally r.sulandono go how sulasih and picking into dancer .
Nevertheless meeting between them is still continue mistycal world.
namely by means that at every event where sulasih appear as a dancer then dewi rantamsari enter spirit nymphs to the body sulasih , at that also r.sulandono being how called spirit his mother to meet sulasih and meeting between sulasih and r.sulandono , namely by means that at every event where sulasih appear as a dancer then dewi rantamsari enter spirit nymphs to the body sulasih , at that also r.sulandono being how called spirit his mother to meet sulasih and meeting between sulasih and r.sulandono .

Since then every sintren performances are held, the dancer must be entered into the spirit of an angel by his keeper, with remarks that it is done when the dancer actually still in a state of pure (virgin). Sintren played by a girl who is holy, assisted by the handler and accompanied gending 6 people, according to the development of dance as an entertainment culture sintren it comes with a companion and bador dancers (comedy).

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