Perseve Indonesia's Culture

Selasa, 28 Agustus 2012

Batik Tiga Negeri (Three State Batik)

The complexity of making a piece of batik was still not enough if we know the history of Batik motifs Ttiga Affairs. Batik is a combination of three unique batik State Lasem, Pekalongan and Solo, in the colonial era and the autonomous region called the land. Maybe if just blend motifs typical of each region is still reasonable and ordinary, but that makes this batik has high artistic value is the process.
Perhaps according to the batik, the water in each region has a major influence on the coloring, and it makes sense because groundwater mineral content vary by geography. So this batik made ​​in each area. First, batik cloth is made in Lasem with a distinctive red color, such as red blood, after it was brought to the batik cloth and dibatik Pekalongan in blue, and the last brown stained fabric Sogan typical in the city of Solo.
Given the means of transportation at the time was not as good as now, the country has three Batik cloth can be said as one of the batik masterpiece

Batik Motif

Motif Batik Gadhung Mlathi

Motif Gadhung Mlati often used in bridal fashion. However, this motif is rare in the fabric or jarik. Now the motif Gadhung Mlathi more often used in the fashion bride tank top, and a headband for the man.

Gadhung, which means green, symbolizing prosperity. While Mlathi is jasmine identified with moral sense.

Motif Batik patchwork

Motif batik fabric is comprised of a patchwork motif as ceplok, machetes, Meru, and others. Philosophical meaning of this motif is that people improve themselves in order to lead a better life.

There is a belief, if the sick were covered with fabric patchwork batik motif, then he will get well soon. It is as if there is something lacking in the hospital and should be patched.

Sekar universe batik motif is a patchwork-style design, but the design is decorated by a variety of flowers and other flora. Sekar universe found in many areas with the creativity of each.

Nature and Motif Batik

Try to observe various batik motifs. We will find a motive leaves, fruit, flowers and grain. That proves, nature has a very strong influence on the motif.

Batik inspired kawung midrib leaves fro. Small flower motif truntum broke produce. While the space sekiar leitmotif given motif clove, pomegranate flowers, betel leaves or flowers.

Motif Batik Kawung

Four seeds or sugar kawung laid out geometrically, that kawung motif. In the circle there is a black cross, which is assumed as seed kawung.

The Javanese mengintrepetasikan kawung seeds as a symbol of fertility. As for the kings and their families, motif kawung means authority and justice.

The variation of the motif kawung is fried, sidomukti, and truntum. This motif is present in the interior such as batik batik of Yogya and Solo.

Motif Batik Sidomukti

Sidomukti, comes from the union of two words, and sido mukti. Sido means continuously, while the definition of mukti is the live well and happy.

In accordance with the philosophy contained in it, by design or motif batik sidomukti a cloth worn by a bride and groom in the wedding ceremony.

Woven fabrics sidomukti also called sawitan, or a pair.

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Old tombs are unique in Indonesia

This is to add insight about the strange things that exist uniquely in this beloved country Indonesia, which is about a grave or tomb, but not just any cemetery, but that has a unique phenomenon ...
A. Benuaq tomb - East Kalimantan

Visit to his native tribe or tribal Dayak Dayak Benuaq Bentian in the interior of East Kalimantan. Graves will be easily found in the side yard or side of the road towards the Dayak village Benuaq. Benuaq graves or in taah Bentian not like any other tribe.
The first to die when they will be buried in a box that the prop by a pole or hanging on a rope. then after a few years ago the tomb was opened again in the bones of the dead and pray for input into the box a permanent pole.
each family usually has the grave of each, and most of its location beside the family home, not the general dipekuburan like most others in the city or village. Almost every night callers sounded musical spirit of the ceremony is being held Beliatn dance and healing spells for the child or to pray for the dead

2. Batu Lemo - Tana Toraja:

Place of burial or funeral corpse-shaped holes in the wall rock. This place is the creation of a remarkable man Toraja. How not, funeral which has been around since the 16th century were made by means of sculpting. At that time, of course with very simple equipment. Lemo is located in the village (valley) Lemo. About 12 kilometers south of Ludhiana or six kilometers north of Makale.
Lemo named because some models of the rock hole round, freckled like oranges or lemons. Stone graves are considered the burrow paa '.
There are 75 holes in the wall rock. Some of them have statues lined the so-called tau-tau. The statues are a symbol of social position, status, and their role during the lifetime of a local nobleman.
These objects are crowded with visitors since 1960. Besides watching the grave stone, tourists can also buy various souvenirs or walking path around the object is seen pangi fruit ripe fruit browning. The fruits were ready to be processed and eaten as a typical Toraja tribe called pantollo pamarrasan.
3. Kambira infant graves - Tana Toraja:

In Kambira still in the area of ​​Tana Toraja there is grave baby, in the form of a hollowed tree, after the baby's body was embalmed and wrapped, then put into it and the hole covered with a woven palm fiber.

4. Steep Rock Londa - Tana Toraja:

grave side cliffs are one side of the cemetery is located at the height of the hill has a deep cave where crates and corpses in the set are regrouped based on the family line. On the other side of the dozens of tau-tau in hidmat standing on the balcony.

5. Trunyan - Bali:

As the Balinese generally, Trunyan Villagers also know the cremation, but in this village whose bodies were burned. Here the bodies were put away in a forest area. Strangely, the body was not going to spend despite the stench there for months.
Why are the bodies which lay just at sema was not causing the smell? Though naturally, it happened on the decomposition of corpses? This is the main attraction for tourists to visit these tourist sites. Well, why it is said, in the forest area there is a tree known to be named Taru incense fragrant smell and is able to neutralize the stench of corpses. Taru means tree, meaning fragrant incense. Taru incense tree, only growing in this area. Be Tarumenyan are then better known as Trunyan which is believed as the origin of the name of the village.

6. Tomb of the Kings Imogiri - New York:

Built around the year 1632 by Sultan Agung, the biggest Islamic Mataram kings, tomb building over Hindu-style buildings. The gate of the tomb made of red bricks with no cement Bentar shaped temple. Entering the tomb of the kings of Mataram is clearly not the same as entering the cemetery. to enter the tomb of Sultan Agung, then in addition to traditional Javanese dress, we must remove footwear, also had to go through three gates.
Even that can be directly made a pilgrimage to the tomb of the kings was limited to close relatives of the king or other people who got special permission from the Sultan of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
Therefore, it is not ready to lay pilgrims wearing traditional Javanese dress, was forced to look at the first gate made of teak wood carved and inscribed letters Java hundreds of years old, with old-fashioned door latch and padlock.
Only the cemetery caretaker who can open the gate. If after all the ordinary people can see the "content" behind the first gate, it was when the kingdom comes, the gates opened wide, and the public could look a bit before the gates were closed. Curiosity that is what caused the mystery of the tomb of the king of Mataram maintained.

The pinhole camera

Pinhole camera is a camera the first time in the world and can work well even without a lens. Camera without a lens has been used since time immemorial. In the fourth century, a number of prominent Greeks such as Aristotle and Euclid have described the technique. Similarly, in the fifth century, a Chinese philosopher named Mo Jing also been playing around with this technique, which was really simple but it works pretty well. Interestingly, despite berbilang century, this camera is not yet extinct, and still often used today.
pinhole camera consists of three main parts, namely the film, the light slit or diaphragm (aperture) and shutter (shutter).

How it works eksposunyar have relatively longer and produce different images with the images produced by the lens in some important ways.
In which a lens forms an image with the light coming through each point on the subject into focus, while the pinhole has no focus at all. Conversely acts as the central projection.

In practice, the light from various points on the subject through a pinhole, will cut the movie on just one place. The other light comes from a different point on the subject and through the hole that would form an image on film. If the film is moved forward or backwards, will become smaller or larger depending on placement.

Because the hole is not a point, this allows more than one light from each point on the subject that leads to the film. We can conclude that the light passes through a set of each point. This is one reason why the image of a pinhole in a softer character of the images produced by the lens. Another reason is that brings some light to the edges of the hole and the diffracted and refracted.

Therefore does not have focus, the sharpness of the image (as it is; sharpness is always a bit "soft") in line with the focus from close to far. In other words, there is no limit to the depth of the image as the lens fotograpi. Objects that are very close (closer than the distance of the pinhole to the film) will nonetheless be softer because of the difference of light coming from each point.

How to Make a pinhole camera

Use a can or small box as the camera body. Yesterday was the camera used for the biscuit tin.
Overall the camera body (interior and exterior) in the dark paint (usually pake doff is not a glossy paint) to prevent the reflection of light
Make a small hole on one side of the entrance of light (diaphragm). When the hole is too large, cover the hole with aluminum, and aluminum with needle holes.
. Attach a cover that serves as a shutter (can use black duct tape) on the hole to prevent the entry of light when we're not doing a photo shoot. To check whether the hole was as expected, we can find out by looking into the rear side of the camera.
On the side facing the camera aka cans with holes, also a double stick tape to hold photo paper (usually wear black duct tape with the sticky side is outside)
. As the recording medium of light, we can use film or photographic paper. More photo paper was chosen because it is easier to handle and easy to install on the safelight. Meanwhile, if using film, be installed in a fully darkened room. To note, the photo paper is less sensitive to light when compared to film.
Attach the photo paper that will be used, by way of a camera stuck on the wall in the direction opposite the pinhole. Emulsion should be located opposite the pinhole (the side containing the emulsion usually feels a bit sticky when held)

How To Take a picture with a pinhole camera and print washer

Flim paper inserted into the can (now do not go in the sun, the position paper follows the form of cans)
Then look for an object that will take the picture object is usually used is a stationary object, if the weather conditions (hot) and a pinhole lid open between 20-30 seconds, or as an instinct, if the weather is dark then the time for about 1 minute, even more.
 After it entered the dark room to be made in the paper negative.
 The next process is washing the paper negative process, the process is conducted in a dark room, if you do not have a dark room you can use the room / bathroom was sealed to not look at all the incoming light.
 Materials required to process the media photo paper there are only 3:

A. Liquid developer
2. stop bath or vinegar
3. Fixer fluid
These materials are available at the site of photo printing.

    6. Time:
- Put the paper into the liquid developer with a negative shake of approximately 2 to 4 minutes depending on the ratio of developer solution with water.
- Stop bath + - 20 seconds
- Fixer for 2-3 minutes.

   7. After all the process that you do you simply rinse or soak them in water while it is to neutralize the substances of the chemicals were. Then the last phase is dried and finished his picture


Rhombus or Kupat are typical dishes based maritime Southeast Asia rice wrapped in a wrapper made ​​of woven palm leaves (leaf) are still young. Diamond is most prevalent at the time of the celebration Fitr, when Muslims celebrate the end of the fasting month.
Typical food using the diamond, such as Kupat know (Sunda), Grabag (Magelang district), Kupat glabet (Tegal), coto Makassar (from Makassar, rice cake called Katupa), lotek, as well as a hodgepodge that can be served with a diamond or lontong. Diamond can also be served to accompany satai, although the rice cake is more common.
Besides Indonesia, the diamond is also found in Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. In the Philippines also found a similar bugnoy diamond but with different woven patterns. [1]
There are two main forms, namely diamond fist angle 7 (more general) and the parallelogram angle 6. Each of these forms have different grooves woven. To make coconut rice cake needs to choose a quality that is long, not too young nor too old.

other uses

Among some circles on the island of Java, a diamond is often hung above the entrance to the house as a sort of talisman. There are people who hold tradition to not make a diamond on a weekday, so the diamond is only served during Eid and up to five days (Java, sepasar) afterwards. There are even some areas in Java are only present on the seventh day after the diamond widths alone or commonly called the Feast of Ketupat.
On the island of Bali, rice cake (there called kipat) is often offered as ceremonial offerings. In addition to offering, in Bali round diamond sold for additional food commensurate with meatballs, especially food vendors are often found in Kuta Beach, driven around in there.
Tradition of diamond (Kupat) widths according to the story is a symbol of the Java language expressions I = admit (admit) and pat = lepat (error) which is used by the Sunan Kalijaga in mensyiarkan Islam in Java which at that time are still many who believe in the sanctity of Kupat. Asilmilasi culture and beliefs are ultimately able to shift the sanctity of the Islamic tradition as a diamond becomes a diamond into the food that is always there when Muslims celebrate Eid as the perfect moment to apologize to each other and admit mistakes.
[edit] Local Names

Batik Pekalongan

Batik originated from Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "point". The word batik refers to the cloth with a pattern generated by the material "night" (wax) is applied to the fabric, so resist the entry of the dye (dye), or in English "wax-resist dyeing".

Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (particularly Java) since long.

Batik Pekalongan are often known by the coastal batik has a dynamic character and rich colors, making it easier Pekalongan Batik is designed to be different types of clothing are not only suitable for the reception, but also for entertainment. In determining the form of the motive is more free and not glued to the grip, and is usually associated with socio-cultural conditions of communities Pekalongan.

Meanwhile, Solo and Yogyakarta Batik is often known as Batik Mataram was very simple in coloring. Colors are often used are blue, yellow and white. Solo and Yogyakarta Batik motif contains a lot of sense philosophy and loaded with meaning of life.

Pekalongan Batik grouping based on the method of manufacture is as follows:

A. Batik
namely batik motif formed by hand, which is drawn with a pencil and canting to cover or protector of the dye (see how to make batik).

2. Batik cap
the motive of making batik using the stamp. Cap is usually made of copper that has been drawn patterns and spiked the night (hot wax).

3. Batik printing
that is printed with batik motive cliche / hand print.

4. Batik painting
batik is made without a pattern, but the mix colors directly on the fabric.

5. Batik printing
Batik is a depiction using the machine. This type of batik can be produced in large quantities because it uses modern machinery. The appearance of batik printing questioned by several artists and craftsmen batik because it is destructive to the art of batik, so they prefer to call it batik cloth.

To make a batik, the equipment required is: cloth (can be made from silk, cotton or polyester blend fabrics), a pencil to make a batik design, canting made of bamboo, copper-headed and bercerat or mouthed, canting it works like a pen. Canting is used to scoop out the hot liquid wax, which is used as a covering or protective material to the dye. gawangan (a place to hang the fabric), candles, pot and a small stove for heating.

Step - Making Batik steps are as follows:

A. The first step we make batik designs on cloth with a pencil or so-called molani. In determining the motive, usually each person has different tastes. Some prefer to make their own motives, but others prefer to follow the common motifs that have been there.

2. The second step is using the canting which already contains a liquid wax to coat the desired motif. The goal is that when dyeing the material into the dye solution, part of a given layer of wax is not exposed. Once the wax is quite dry, dip the cloth into the dye solution.

3. The last process is nglorot, where the fabric has changed the color of boiled hot water. The goal is to remove the wax coating, so the motive which had previously drawn pins. You do not need to worry, this immersion will not make you a picture motif that has been exposed to the color, because the top of the fabric is still shrouded in a thin layer (wax is not completely washed out).

From Various Sources.

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

History of Batik Pekalongan

History of Batik in Pekalongan start of post-war and discord in the kingdom of Mataram, who was led by the king Panembahan Senopati. War against the Dutch colonial and divisions among the palace is often the case, until the point where the most severe conditions caused many families to flee and settle king in areas such as the Pekalongan new. Royal families who are already have a tradition of batik and the refuge is that developed into the area pengunsian in Pekalongan.

In the area of ​​Pekalongan batik eventually grow exponentially as in one case, and Wonopringgo Pekajangan. Families who fled the palace and bring his followers into new areas, and batik on the ground continued and later became a job for livelihood. Batik patterns in this new area as well adapted to the circumstances surrounding area.

Until the early twentieth century the process of batik is batik known morinya substance made ​​in the country and also some import. After the war new world of unity known batik fabrication and use of foreign medicines made ​​in Germany and the UK.

At the beginning of the 20th century first recognized in Pekajangan is weaving that produces its own spun yarn Stagen and simple. In recent years new known batik is done by people who worked weaving sector.

Growth and more rapid development of batik weaving Stagen and never sugar mill workers in Wonopringgo and Tirto companies ran into batik, because wages are higher than the sugar factory. The materials used for weaving your own fabric and paint materials made ​​from trees such as noni, tom tree, Soga Java, and so forth.

Ringkasan Materi Ekonomi SMA XIV

Program latihan yang dilaksanakan oleh perusahaan dengan bimbingan atasan
Prpgram pelatihan tenagakerja dengan cara memberikan kursus
1.            Menurunnya permintaan tenaga kerja
2.            Kemajuan teknolog
3.            Kelemahan dalam pasar tenaga kerja
                    i.            Serikat pekerja meminta upah terlalu tinggi
                  ii.            Adanya tunjangan pengangguran menurunkan niat untuk bekerja
                iii.            Asuransi tenaga kerja terlalu berat bagi perusahaan
                iv.            Kurangnya imformasi mengenai lowongan pekerjaan
                  v.            Ketidakmampuan pekerja untuk mencari pekerjaan

1.            Pengangguran normal
2.             Pengangguran terselubung
3.            Pengangguran terbuka
a.             Pengangguran Friksional
Cara mengatasi :
1.            Proyek padat kerja
2.            Menarik investor
3.            Pengembagang transmigrasi
4.            Bantuan pinjaman lunak
b.            Pengguran Musiman
Cara Mengatasinya :
1.            Pelatihan keterampilan lain
2.            Mengimformasikan lowongan pekerjaan sektor lain
c.             Pengangguran Konjungtur
Cara mengatasinya :
1.            Meningkatkan daya bekli masyarakat
2.            Mengatur bunga bank agar tidak terlalu tinggi
d.            Pengangguran Struktural
Cara mengatasinya :
1.            Menyediakan lapangan kerja
2.            Pelatihan tenaga kerja
3.            Menarik investor baru
e.             Pengangguran Sukarela ( Voluntary ) – Menganggur karena sukarela –sudah kaya
Cara mengatasinya sama denga pengangguran Friksional
f.             Pengguran Deflasioner ( permintaan tidak seombang dengan penawaran pekerjaan )
                  Cara mengatasinya :
1.            Pelatihan tenaga kerja
2.            Menarik investor baru            
g.            Pengguran teknologi
         Cara mengatasinya :
1.            Pelatihan teknomolgi ( Teknologi dimasukkan ke Kurikulum sekolah )
2.            Pengenalan teknologi sejak dini
3.            Pelatihan tenaga pendidik untuk menguasai teknologi

1.            Tantang apa bisnis yang akan dlakukan
2.            Pasar apa yang  tuju
3.            Apa pasar potensial bagi produk yangdihasilkan
4.            Berapa besar keuntungan yang diharapkan
5.            Berapa banyak modal yang dibutuhkan
6.            Siapa yang akan meminjamkan dana
Rencana Organisasi
7.            Kapan bisnis dibangun
8.            Pengalaman bisnis apa yang dimiliki
9.            Latar belakang orang-orang yang bekerpa pada kita
Produk atau jasa
10.        Penjelasan barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan
11.        Keunikan barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan
12.        Sekilas mengenai pesaingan
13.        Bagaimana rencana pengembangan produk dan jasa
14.        Siapakah yang akan membeli produk
15.        Bagaimana potensinya dimasa lalu dan dimasa depan
16.        Siapa pengaingmu dan bagaimana respon mereka
17.        Bagaimana caca mempromosikan hasil produk
18.        Berapa harga produk
Detail Operasi
19.        Dimana lokasi usaha
20.        Siapa yang akan menyupply
21.        Peralatan apa yang dibutuhkan
Rencana Keuangan
22.        Cash flow
23.        Rencana keutungan  bulanan  dan kerugian selama dua tahun
Masa Depan
24.        Tujuan jangka pendek dan panjang
25.        Jumlah dana yang dibutuhkan
26.        Keuntngan yang diperoleh dari peminjaman uan

Cara Menghitung Koefisien Korelasi
Biaya Iklan ( X )
 ( Rp )
Jumlah Penjualan ( Y )
( Unit )

Hitunglah Koefisien Korelasi data diatas


                  n∑XY – (∑X)(∑Y)

 R = ----------------------------------------

        √n∑X² - (∑X)² √n∑Y² - ((∑XY)²

         5(752) – ( 90 ) ( 40 )
= -------------------------------------------
    √ 5.(1744) – ( 90 ) ² * √ 5.(330) – ( 40 )²

                     3760 - 3600
=  -------------------------------------------
     √ 8720 – 8100 *  √ 1650 – 1600

= -------------------------------------------
                  620 * √ 50

 = -----------------------------------------
                    24,90 * 7.07

= ------------------------------------------ = 0.91

Arti Nilai Absolut dari Koefisien Korelasi
Koefisien Korelasi
Keeratan Hubungan
0.00 – 0.20
Sangat lemah
0.21 – 0.40
0.41 – 0.60
Agak lemah
0.61 – 0.80
0.81 – 1.00
Sangat kuat


Jumlah Permen

Jumlah Permen
Semi Total
Setengah rata-rata
Nilai Tren Tengah Tahun
54/3 = 18
72/3 = 24

_       ∑X
X =  ------

Nilai b dicari dengan rumus :
        ( X2 ) – ( X1 )                               24 – 18            6
B = ---------------------  .  -----à b =    -----------  = ---------=  2
                   n                                               3                 3

Nilai Tren dengan rumus :

Y = a  +  bx         --------------à y = 18 + 2x

Y1999 = 18 + 2 (-1) = 16
Y2000 = 18 + 2  (0)  = 18
Y2001 = 18 + 2 (+1) = 20

Y1999 = 24 + 2 (-1) = 22
Y1999 = 24 + 2 ( 0 ) = 24
Y1999 = 24 + 2 (+1) = 26