Perseve Indonesia's Culture

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

The pinhole camera

Pinhole camera is a camera the first time in the world and can work well even without a lens. Camera without a lens has been used since time immemorial. In the fourth century, a number of prominent Greeks such as Aristotle and Euclid have described the technique. Similarly, in the fifth century, a Chinese philosopher named Mo Jing also been playing around with this technique, which was really simple but it works pretty well. Interestingly, despite berbilang century, this camera is not yet extinct, and still often used today.
pinhole camera consists of three main parts, namely the film, the light slit or diaphragm (aperture) and shutter (shutter).

How it works eksposunyar have relatively longer and produce different images with the images produced by the lens in some important ways.
In which a lens forms an image with the light coming through each point on the subject into focus, while the pinhole has no focus at all. Conversely acts as the central projection.

In practice, the light from various points on the subject through a pinhole, will cut the movie on just one place. The other light comes from a different point on the subject and through the hole that would form an image on film. If the film is moved forward or backwards, will become smaller or larger depending on placement.

Because the hole is not a point, this allows more than one light from each point on the subject that leads to the film. We can conclude that the light passes through a set of each point. This is one reason why the image of a pinhole in a softer character of the images produced by the lens. Another reason is that brings some light to the edges of the hole and the diffracted and refracted.

Therefore does not have focus, the sharpness of the image (as it is; sharpness is always a bit "soft") in line with the focus from close to far. In other words, there is no limit to the depth of the image as the lens fotograpi. Objects that are very close (closer than the distance of the pinhole to the film) will nonetheless be softer because of the difference of light coming from each point.

How to Make a pinhole camera

Use a can or small box as the camera body. Yesterday was the camera used for the biscuit tin.
Overall the camera body (interior and exterior) in the dark paint (usually pake doff is not a glossy paint) to prevent the reflection of light
Make a small hole on one side of the entrance of light (diaphragm). When the hole is too large, cover the hole with aluminum, and aluminum with needle holes.
. Attach a cover that serves as a shutter (can use black duct tape) on the hole to prevent the entry of light when we're not doing a photo shoot. To check whether the hole was as expected, we can find out by looking into the rear side of the camera.
On the side facing the camera aka cans with holes, also a double stick tape to hold photo paper (usually wear black duct tape with the sticky side is outside)
. As the recording medium of light, we can use film or photographic paper. More photo paper was chosen because it is easier to handle and easy to install on the safelight. Meanwhile, if using film, be installed in a fully darkened room. To note, the photo paper is less sensitive to light when compared to film.
Attach the photo paper that will be used, by way of a camera stuck on the wall in the direction opposite the pinhole. Emulsion should be located opposite the pinhole (the side containing the emulsion usually feels a bit sticky when held)

How To Take a picture with a pinhole camera and print washer

Flim paper inserted into the can (now do not go in the sun, the position paper follows the form of cans)
Then look for an object that will take the picture object is usually used is a stationary object, if the weather conditions (hot) and a pinhole lid open between 20-30 seconds, or as an instinct, if the weather is dark then the time for about 1 minute, even more.
 After it entered the dark room to be made in the paper negative.
 The next process is washing the paper negative process, the process is conducted in a dark room, if you do not have a dark room you can use the room / bathroom was sealed to not look at all the incoming light.
 Materials required to process the media photo paper there are only 3:

A. Liquid developer
2. stop bath or vinegar
3. Fixer fluid
These materials are available at the site of photo printing.

    6. Time:
- Put the paper into the liquid developer with a negative shake of approximately 2 to 4 minutes depending on the ratio of developer solution with water.
- Stop bath + - 20 seconds
- Fixer for 2-3 minutes.

   7. After all the process that you do you simply rinse or soak them in water while it is to neutralize the substances of the chemicals were. Then the last phase is dried and finished his picture

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