Perseve Indonesia's Culture

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

Batik Pekalongan

Batik originated from Javanese language "amba", meaning to write and "point". The word batik refers to the cloth with a pattern generated by the material "night" (wax) is applied to the fabric, so resist the entry of the dye (dye), or in English "wax-resist dyeing".

Batik is a craft that has high artistic value and has become part of the culture of Indonesia (particularly Java) since long.

Batik Pekalongan are often known by the coastal batik has a dynamic character and rich colors, making it easier Pekalongan Batik is designed to be different types of clothing are not only suitable for the reception, but also for entertainment. In determining the form of the motive is more free and not glued to the grip, and is usually associated with socio-cultural conditions of communities Pekalongan.

Meanwhile, Solo and Yogyakarta Batik is often known as Batik Mataram was very simple in coloring. Colors are often used are blue, yellow and white. Solo and Yogyakarta Batik motif contains a lot of sense philosophy and loaded with meaning of life.

Pekalongan Batik grouping based on the method of manufacture is as follows:

A. Batik
namely batik motif formed by hand, which is drawn with a pencil and canting to cover or protector of the dye (see how to make batik).

2. Batik cap
the motive of making batik using the stamp. Cap is usually made of copper that has been drawn patterns and spiked the night (hot wax).

3. Batik printing
that is printed with batik motive cliche / hand print.

4. Batik painting
batik is made without a pattern, but the mix colors directly on the fabric.

5. Batik printing
Batik is a depiction using the machine. This type of batik can be produced in large quantities because it uses modern machinery. The appearance of batik printing questioned by several artists and craftsmen batik because it is destructive to the art of batik, so they prefer to call it batik cloth.

To make a batik, the equipment required is: cloth (can be made from silk, cotton or polyester blend fabrics), a pencil to make a batik design, canting made of bamboo, copper-headed and bercerat or mouthed, canting it works like a pen. Canting is used to scoop out the hot liquid wax, which is used as a covering or protective material to the dye. gawangan (a place to hang the fabric), candles, pot and a small stove for heating.

Step - Making Batik steps are as follows:

A. The first step we make batik designs on cloth with a pencil or so-called molani. In determining the motive, usually each person has different tastes. Some prefer to make their own motives, but others prefer to follow the common motifs that have been there.

2. The second step is using the canting which already contains a liquid wax to coat the desired motif. The goal is that when dyeing the material into the dye solution, part of a given layer of wax is not exposed. Once the wax is quite dry, dip the cloth into the dye solution.

3. The last process is nglorot, where the fabric has changed the color of boiled hot water. The goal is to remove the wax coating, so the motive which had previously drawn pins. You do not need to worry, this immersion will not make you a picture motif that has been exposed to the color, because the top of the fabric is still shrouded in a thin layer (wax is not completely washed out).

From Various Sources.

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